Sexual harassment is a serious matter, but sometimes those who make sexual harassment claims are not given the support and help that they need. When an employer does not appreciate or acknowledge the severity of the sexual harassment that has been committed against an employee, not only is it uncomfortable for the victim, but it is also a potentially dangerous or illegal situation. If you are in a situation similar to this one in California, please contact a sexual harassment lawyer today to find out about your rights and what can be done to help you. Diefer Employment Law Attorneys can help you to get the justice you are looking for.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted or unwelcome words, actions, or gestures of a sexual nature, that is gender or sexual-based. Ultimately, it is the perception of the employee who claims they are being harassed that matters more heavily than the initial intentions of the individual who has committed the alleged harassment. Anyone is vulnerable to sexual harassment in the work place and it is not something that should just be brushed off as ‘joking.’ If you report being sexually harassed and your employer simply tells you to lighten up or learn to take a joke, they are not fulfilling their responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment. By hiring a sexual harassment lawyer in California, you can ensure that your rights are protected if you feel as though you have been harassed sexually in the workplace.
Sexual harassment is a very serious issue that no one should be forced to endure. If you have been sexually harassed in the workplace and feel as though your claims are being brushed off or not taken seriously, you may be able to not only have a case against the alleged harasser, but also against your employer or supervisor for not taking your complaint seriously. An experienced sexual harassment lawyer in California can evaluate your case, determine whether your complaint was handled as it should have been, and help you take the appropriate steps forward.