Lewd behavior is not uncommon in bars. But lewd behavior by management to its employees – that is illegal, and allegations of such behavior is going to cost a Chicago bar $100,000. This is the amount agreed upon to settle a sexual harassment case brought about by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The EEOC claims that South Loop Club violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The suit claims that the bar’s female employees were subjected to degrading language, which included sexual comments about the employees’ body parts.
In addition to the comments, the EEOC claims that the employees were subjected to unwanted sexual touching, and were therefore subjected to a hostile environment in which to work.
Unfortunately though, this sort of behavior, and this sort of work environment is just as prevalent in Los Angeles as it is in Chicago. And it takes place in offices and other places of business, just as often as it does in bars.
John Rowe, district director for the EEOC in Chicago said in a statement: “This case is a reminder that federal law protects women working in bars from sexual harassment as much as women working in high-end business environments. It doesn’t matter whether your collar is blue, pink or white, sexual harassment is illegal, and the EEOC will combat it.”
So if you feel you are sexually harassed, regardless of where you work – you need to report the harassment immediately. The law serves to protect you, and a Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney can ensure that those rights are protected.
In order to protect those rights though, you need legal representation. So contact a Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney today. For without legal representation, you likely would not know your rights, and may not be protected to the fullest extent that the law allows.
In the case of the South Loop Club, the bar not only agreed to pay its claimants $100,000, but it also agreed to have its employees undergo training about harassment and retaliation. This is in efforts of protecting current and future employees from enduring what former employees endured.
A Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer can give you more information on California state laws as they apply to your case specifically, and can help determine the best courses of action. A Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney can be reached at (213) 985-1466.